what is fornication in islam

what is fornication in islam

1 year ago 42

In Islam, fornication is referred to as "zina" and is considered a major sin and an act of immorality. It is forbidden and classified as a destructive sin, and Islam has even forbidden everything that could lead to it, such as immoral exchange of looks between the two sexes, depraved words, seductive moves, a man and a woman being in seclusion in a room, and anything else which could lead to this awful sin. The Quran says that if an unmarried man or woman is found guilty of fornication, and they live in a country that practices Shari’ah law, they must be lashed one hundred times. Zina encompasses any sexual intercourse except that between husband and wife. It includes both extramarital sex and premarital sex, and is often translated as "fornication" in English. The punishment for zina is severe, and it is the most severe of punishments because it violates peoples honor and lineages. The punishment for fornication is one hundred lashes for both male and female fornicators. Islam has preserved peoples honor and protected lineages from being mixed, and fornication and adultery are forbidden.

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