what is frappuccino

what is frappuccino

1 year ago 37

A Frappuccino is a line of blended iced coffee drinks sold by Starbucks. It is a portmanteau of "frappe" and "cappuccino," and it may consist of coffee or crème base, blended with ice and ingredients such as flavored syrups, and usually topped with whipped cream and/or spices. The recipe is derived from a fusion of various cold drinks, including the "coffee frap" (similar to iced coffee) and the "frappe" (blended ice cream, syrup, and milk), with the Italian cappuccino. Frappuccinos are typically lower in caffeine content than traditional coffee drinks due to the smaller amount of coffee or espresso used and the blending process.

Frappuccinos were originally developed, named, trademarked, and sold by George Howells Eastern Massachusetts coffee shop chain the Coffee Connection, and created by then-employee Andrew Frank. When Starbucks purchased the Coffee Connection in 1994, they gained the rights to use, make, market, and sell the Frappuccino drink. The drink, with a different recipe, was introduced under the Starbucks name in 1995. In 2012, Starbucks had annual Frappuccino sales of over $2 billion.

Frappuccinos are a popular choice for a refreshing, cool coffee drink, and they can be easily customized with additional ingredients such as syrups and whipped cream to create different flavors. They are also available in bottled-form at coffee shops or other stores. Frappuccinos are different from lattes, which are popular coffee drinks made with espresso and steamed milk.

In summary, a Frappuccino is a blended iced coffee drink that is typically made with coffee or crème base, blended with ice and ingredients such as flavored syrups, and usually topped with whipped cream and/or spices. It was originally developed by the Coffee Connection and later sold to Starbucks, where it became a popular drink. Frappuccinos are different from lattes and are typically lower in caffeine content than traditional coffee drinks.

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