what is frequency count in data structure

what is frequency count in data structure

1 year ago 42

Frequency count is a method used to calculate the time complexity of an algorithm in data structure. It denotes the number of times a statement is executed. The frequency count method is also called the step count method. The frequency count of each statement is calculated by analyzing the number of times each statement is executed. The frequency count of comments and declarations is zero because they are not executed during the execution. The frequency count of assignments and return statements is one. The frequency count of constant multipliers and lower order exponents is ignored.

To calculate the time complexity of an algorithm, the frequency count of each statement is multiplied by the product of the size of all loopers. The time complexity is the running time of the statement multiplied by the product of the size of all loopers. The order of n is used to represent the time complexity of an algorithm.

In summary, frequency count is a method used to calculate the time complexity of an algorithm in data structure. It involves analyzing the number of times each statement is executed. The frequency count of each statement is multiplied by the product of the size of all loopers to calculate the time complexity of an algorithm.

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