what is friendship in simple words

what is friendship in simple words

1 year ago 77

Friendship is a bond of affection between two people. It is a relationship characterized by positive interpersonal qualities such as kindness, generosity, loyalty, and honesty. True friends choose to be with one another, enjoy time spent together, and can engage in a positive and supportive role to one another. Here are some key points about friendship:

  • It is a dyadic relationship, meaning that it involves a series of interactions between two individuals known to each other.
  • It is recognized by both individuals as a voluntary relationship.
  • It is typically egalitarian in nature, with each individual having about the same amount of power or authority in the relationship.
  • It is a relationship of mutual affection between people.
  • It involves familiar and liking of each others mind.
  • It is a complex process and experience that requires time and effort, and it demands that people put someone other than themselves first sometimes.

Different levels of friendship emerge according to the depth of the relationship. Acquaintances are people we know well enough to strike up a conversation with from time to time, but not people we'd ask to a dinner party or contact for help. Close friends are those who share a bond with us, and we trust and enjoy being around them. Honest friends are free of deceit, truthful, sincere, and. As reciprocity, mutual respect, and affection rise, so does the depth of friendship.

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