what is frontier technical support phone number

what is frontier technical support phone number

1 year ago 36

Frontier Communications offers various customer service and technical support options for its internet, phone, and TV services. Here are some ways to contact Frontier technical support:

  • Phone: You can call Frontier customer service at 1-800-921-8101 for general and technical support. For Spanish, call this number and then press 9. Frontier also offers customer service in a range of other languages.

  • Chat: You can get immediate assistance online with Frontier’s live chat tool. Head over to Frontier’s contact page and click on the Chat Live button.

  • My Premium Tech Pro: If you are a subscriber to My Premium Tech Pro, you can call 877-328-1067 for express tech support, unlimited access to certified agents, and more.

  • Other options: You can also visit Frontiers Help Center for troubleshooting tips, or download the MyFrontier app to manage your account and pay bills.

Its worth noting that Frontiers plans and services vary by area, so its best to check the companys website or call customer service to confirm availability and pricing.

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