what is fwiw in texting

what is fwiw in texting

1 year ago 33

FWIW is an acronym for "for what its worth". It is used to preface a statement with a sense of "you may choose to ignore this, but Ill say it anyway". It can be used in many ways, such as to add information to a message or to inform someone of something that may or may not be useful. Here are some examples of how to use FWIW:

  • "FWIW, I think your outfit looked cute today."
  • "FWIW, Kiara told me the wedding invitations will be sent out Friday."
  • "FWIW, the presentation didnt go as smoothly as they wouldve wanted".

FWIW can also inject a snarky tone into a statement, but usually, people use it to emphasize a key point or to politely disagree. It is important to consider the context when using FWIW, as with all electronic communication.

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