Gatorade G2 is a sports drink that aids rehydration with the same electrolyte formula of Gatorade Thirst Quencher, but has less than half the carbs, sugar, and calories of the Original G. It is designed to help replace what athletes sweat out and contains critical electrolytes to help replace whats lost in sweat. G2 is available in different flavors, including grape and fruit punch, and comes in a 20oz plastic bottle or a 12oz bottle.
Gatorade Thirst Quencher (GTQ) and G2 both provide hydration as well as carbohydrate fuel; however, G2 offers less carbohydrate, making it a low-calorie option. While GTQ helps effectively meet hydration and energy needs for most athletes, G2 helps meet those same needs when less carbohydrate is required (e.g., lower intensities and durations, or when goals are other than performance) or when an athlete has a high sweat rate.
G2 Natural is a version of G2 that boasts all-natural ingredients, including water, sucrose, dextrose, citric acid, natural flavor, sea salts (sodium chloride, potassium chloride), sodium citrate, and beta carotene. It is a low-calorie version of G2 that contains erythiritol, a sugar alcohol, and Reb A, a stevia-derived sweetener, to replace sugar.