what is general election class 9

what is general election class 9

1 year ago 40

A general election is an election that is held at regular intervals, usually every 5 years, in which candidates are elected in all or most constituencies of a nation or state. During a general election, every individual who is eligible to vote has the right to cast their vote. The general election determines which candidates will occupy the offices that are up for election. In partisan races, candidates that were nominated at the primary election compete for races along with any candidates without political party affiliation. Nonpartisan races typically appear on the general election ballot as well, such as judicial, school, and library board races. In contrast, a primary election is held by political parties to select their nominees for the offices to be elected at the upcoming general election. During a primary, voters may choose only one party to vote for. The primary election takes place before the general election, and it determines which candidates will represent each political party in the general election.

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