Ghosting in texting is when someone suddenly stops responding to text messages, social media posts, phone calls, or any other form of communication without any explanation for the lack of communication. It is a relatively new colloquial term that means abandoning communication with someone. Ghosting can occur in any type of relationship, including work relationships, friendships, long-term romantic relationships, informal dating relationships, or even minor acquaintances. However, ghosting most frequently occurs when the relationship is romantic in nature. People ghost because, for whatever reason, they lose interest in the relationship and do not want it to continue. Ghosting in texting is also one of the commonest ways to ghost someone.
Although ghosting is defined as cutting off communication entirely (thereby ending the relationship), there may be hints preceding this. Some people describe a ‘feeling of uncertainty’ from the other person leading up to the final act of ghosting. Others have described long periods of silence in texting prior to ghosting. Being ghosted can cause anger, which may actually be a healthier response to the situation than wallowing in sadness. Mental health professionals have found that ghosting can be classified as a form of emotional cruelty. In an online survey, those who experienced breadcrumbing (leading someone on) or a combination of breadcrumbing and ghosting were shown to have an increased feeling of loneliness and helplessness and/or a decreased satisfaction with life.