what is glazing urban dictionary

what is glazing urban dictionary

1 year ago 42

After reviewing the search results, it appears that "glazing" has multiple meanings on Urban Dictionary. Here are some of the definitions found:

  • A hypocritical freeloading lowlife, who is content with living off of other peoples wealth and blames everyone else in life for their problems.
  • Any attractive man or woman who engages in sexual activities with many people and is very willing to engage in sexual activities at any given moment.
  • A term used to tell someone to stop arguing or "dick eating".
  • When someone is meatriding someone or sucking up to them.
  • The act of ejaculating on someones forehead and throwing sprinkles in their face.

It is important to note that Urban Dictionary is not a reliable source for definitions and should not be used as a reference in academic or professional settings.

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