what is global security

what is global security

1 year ago 41

Global security refers to the measures taken by nations and international organizations to ensure mutual survival and safety. It includes military and diplomatic measures taken to ensure security at the international level. The concept of global security has expanded over the years to cover a variety of interconnected issues in the world that affect survival, such as health, environment, crime, migration, and poverty. Global security problems pose unprecedented challenges for the international community in an increasingly globalized world.

Global health security is the existence of strong and resilient public health systems that can prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats, wherever they occur in the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) works to protect the health, safety, and security of the American people and fight global health threats worldwide.

In many forums on the topic of security, there has been an attempt to establish a divide between national and global security. Although, in theory, a boundary exists between these two conceptual frameworks, such a boundary is not sufficient to maintain a clear-cut delimitation between them. Rather, they have a symbiotic relationship, although limited to the local security sphere, which states lack the capacity to handle unilaterally.

In summary, global security refers to the measures taken to ensure mutual survival and safety at the international level. It includes military and diplomatic measures, as well as measures to address issues such as health, environment, crime, migration, and poverty. Global health security is a subset of global security that focuses on public health systems that can prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats.

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