what is god

what is god

1 year ago 46

The concept of God varies depending on the religion and belief system. In monotheistic thought, God is usually viewed as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith. In polytheistic thought, a god is "a spirit or being believed to control some part of the universe or life and often worshipped for doing so, or something that represents this spirit or being"

. The God of the Bible is the omnipotent Creator and Redeemer of mankind, who has revealed Himself in both science and history

. God is often believed to be the cause of all things and so is seen as the creator and sustainer and the ruler of the universe

. God is often thought of as incorporeal and independent of the material creation while pantheism holds God is the universe itself

. The doctrine of the Trinity is not derived from pagan beliefs but was developed from the plain teaching of Scripture. God is one Being in three Persons

. God is eternal, infinite, and unchangeable in his power and perfection, goodness and glory, wisdom, and justice

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