Green gas airsoft is a type of gas used to power airsoft guns, specifically gas-powered platforms. The main component of airsoft green gas is pressurized propane gas, which is non-toxic and flammable in its gaseous form. Green gas is essentially propane with some silicone oil added in and the smell removed. Green gas powered airsoft guns operate by the valve-controlled release of prefilled compressed air (such as propane) mixed with silicone oil. Green gas is the standard power source for airsoft guns because it is less likely to damage the gun than propane, more affordable, and available. Green gas is also easier on the gun, more cost-efficient, and often easier to keep magazines full. Green gas is the middle power level and is usually recommended for metal slide pistols and for pistols with polymer slides during the colder winter months. Green gas can be used for most of the year and performs well, and although performance may fall during colder weather, this is the gas most airsofters choose to power their pistols with.