Grooming a child is a deliberate process by which an offender gradually initiates and maintains a relationship with a child or young person to manipulate, exploit, and abuse them. The goal of grooming is to establish an emotional connection with the child or young person to lower their inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse. Grooming can occur in various settings, including online, in person, and through other means of communication.
The relationship a groomer builds can take different forms, such as a romantic relationship, mentorship, authority figure, or dominant and persistent figure. Groomers may hide who they are by sending photos or videos of other people, sometimes of someone younger than them to gain the trust of a "peer". They might target one child online or contact lots of children very quickly and wait for them to respond.
It can be difficult to tell if a child is being groomed, and the signs arent always obvious and may be hidden. Some of the signs that might indicate that a child is being groomed include a person who takes an unusual interest in a child, particularly if the interest is primarily focused on their physical appearance, behavior, or activities; a person who tries to communicate with a child online or in person in secret, outside the knowledge of the childs parents or guardians; a person who attempts to isolate a child from their family and friends; and a person who gives gifts or money to a child.
Its important to remember that children and young people may not understand theyve been groomed. They may have complicated feelings, like loyalty, admiration, love, as well as fear, distress, and confusion. If you suspect that a child is being groomed, its important to report it to the appropriate authorities immediately.