what is guid in c#

what is guid in c#

1 year ago 62

A GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit integer (16 bytes) used as a unique identifier across all computers and networks

. It is also known as a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)

. GUIDs are used in various scenarios where a unique identifier is required, such as in distributed systems, databases, and web applications

. Some key aspects of GUIDs include:

  • Unique : GUIDs are designed to be unique and have a very low probability of being duplicated, making them suitable for use as primary keys in databases or identifiers for various entities
  • 128-bit structure : GUIDs are organized as a well-defined sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits grouped into chunks of 8-4-4-4-12, allowing for a maximum of 2^128 possible GUIDs
  • Creation : GUIDs can be generated offline and do not require a connection to a central server or database

. In C#, you can use the Guid.NewGuid() method to create a new GUID

  • Usage : GUIDs are commonly used in various programming languages and platforms, such as C#, .NET, and SQL Server, for creating unique identifiers in databases, synchronizing records between multiple databases, and exporting data for external manipulation and merge

When working with GUIDs in C#, you can use the Guid struct available as part of the System namespace

. For example, you can create a new GUID using the following code:


Guid obj = Guid.NewGuid();
Console.WriteLine("New Guid is " + obj.ToString());

Keep in mind that GUIDs are larger than most normal basic data types like integers, so they may require additional storage space and processing resources

. However, their uniqueness and collision resistance make them suitable for specific use cases, such as primary keys in databases or identifiers for various entities

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