what is hair of the dog drink

what is hair of the dog drink

1 year ago 33

A "hair of the dog" drink is an alcoholic beverage intended to be consumed after a night of heavy drinking to cure a hangover. The idea behind this drink is that consuming more alcohol will alleviate hangover symptoms like headache, dehydration, upset stomach, and fatigue. The name "hair of the dog" comes from the old belief that the cure for a dog bite was to place the hair of the dog that bit you onto the wound. While some people swear by the effectiveness of this drink, others argue that it may only provide temporary relief and that drinking more alcohol may actually worsen your hangover.

There are many recipes for "hair of the dog" drinks, and some of the most popular ones include:

  • Whiskey and half-and-half: This creamy drink combines fiery whiskey and cooling half-and-half, plus a hit of honey to bring it all together.

  • Bloody Mary: This classic brunch cocktail is a popular choice for a "hair of the dog" drink. It typically contains vodka, tomato juice, and a variety of spices and garnishes.

  • Gin cocktail: The Hair of the Dog cocktail from Bulldog Gin is a great alternative to a Bloody Mary. It contains gin, sour citrus, and the spicy heat of a pepper to awaken the senses and calm the stomach.

Its important to note that while "hair of the dog" drinks may provide temporary relief, they cannot prevent a hangover entirely. Drinking more alcohol may only prolong the time until you experience a hangover.

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