Hank Haneys Slice Fix is a golf swing technique developed by Hank Haney, a world-renowned golf instructor. The technique is designed to help golfers fix their slice, which is a common problem in golf. Here are some key points about the Hank Haney Slice Fix:
Clubface position: Haney insists on a powerful clubface position while adopting a clockwise motion during practice landings. This methodology ensures that golfers can rotate the clubface to square the face and eliminate the slice.
Sequence adjustment: The correction for the slice lies in a simple adjustment to the sequence of the swing. The arms need to work upwards while the body rotates, and the arms should initiate downwards as the body continues to rotate in the downswing. This simple shift in sequence can eliminate the root cause of the slice.
Hand position: Haney recommends turning the hands just a little bit to the right on the grip so that the golfer is in a little bit of a stronger position. This will help the golfer to turn their hands over a little when they come through and to square the clubface.
To truly master the Hank Haney Slice Fix, one needs time, patience, and a lot of practice. Changing your golf swing might result in some unpredictable shots initially, but as you incorporate this technique into your practice and then into your game, you will be rewarded with a more controlled swing, an improved ball flight, and an impressive scorecard.