In Islam, there are certain things that are considered haram (forbidden) for women. Here are some examples:
- Lesbianism: Sexual desire between females is prohibited in Islam.
- Exposing intimate parts of the body: The Quran instructs the covering of male and female genitals, and for adult females, the breasts. Exposing these parts of the body is considered unlawful in Islam.
- Wearing pants: According to a Kuwaiti cleric, it is haram for women to wear pants. However, this is a controversial issue, and there are differing opinions on the matter.
It is important to note that some of the prohibitions imposed on women in Islam are based on misconstrued interpretations of specific Quranic verses and misogynous religious edicts. Islam is a religion that led the world with womens rights, and it is essential to understand the true teachings of Islam regarding womens rights and obligations.