In Germany, Hbf is an abbreviation for Hauptbahnhof, which means "central station" in English. It is used to differentiate between various types of stations, stops, railway facilities, and other places of rail service. The main central stations in German cities are always known as "Hauptbahnhofs," and this naming convention is consistently used in every city or large town. Therefore, if you are booking long-distance trains, you will almost always choose the Hauptbahnhof. In bigger cities, there may be a main station that is the Hauptbahnhof, and many of the European train route planning websites list stations and bus stops. If you are unsure which station to choose, you can type in a town name, and you will probably get a pulldown menu with a list of names. In the case of Salzburg, for example, the first name, "Salzburg Hbf," is the main station.