what is hearts of palm pasta

what is hearts of palm pasta

1 year ago 39

Hearts of palm pasta is a type of pasta alternative made from the inner core or "heart" of certain palm tree varieties. The hearts of palm are cut into linguini-shaped pieces and packaged in cans or plastic pouches. Hearts of palm pasta is low in carbs, low calorie, gluten-free, vegan, and non-GMO. Hearts of palm pasta is a popular alternative to traditional pasta because it has a similar texture to wheat pasta and is versatile in cooking. Hearts of palm pasta is also praised for its neutral taste, which allows it to take on the flavors of other ingredients. Hearts of palm pasta is sold in many grocery stores, including Trader Joes, and is a popular product. Hearts of palm pasta is a good option for people who are looking for low-carb pasta alternatives or who have dietary restrictions.

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