what is herbal medicine

what is herbal medicine

1 year ago 38

Herbal medicine is the use of plants to treat disease and enhance general health and wellbeing. It is also known as botanical medicine or phytomedicine. Herbal medicines contain active ingredients, and the active ingredients of many herbal preparations are as yet unknown. Herbal supplements come in various forms, including dried, chopped, powdered, capsule, or liquid, and can be used in various ways. They are sold as tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extracts, and fresh or dried plants. People use herbal medicines to try to maintain or improve their health. Herbal supplements are not subject to the same testing, manufacturing, and labeling standards and regulations as drugs. Therefore, they are not subject to the same standards of safety and efficacy as drugs. Some herbs can interact with prescription or over-the-counter medicines, and some herbs, such as comfrey and ephedra, can cause serious harm. It is important to get information on herbal medicines from reliable sources and to tell your healthcare provider about any herbal medicines you are taking. Herbal medicine is used to treat many conditions, such as allergies, asthma, eczema, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, menopausal symptoms, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and cancer, among others. However, evidence for the effectiveness of herbal medicines is generally very limited.

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