what is high frequency facial

what is high frequency facial

1 year ago 46

A high frequency facial is a skincare technique that uses electric currents to rejuvenate the skin and treat various skin conditions such as acne, fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, dark circles, and puffiness under the eyes. High frequency facials are considered to be a safe, gentle, and therapeutic approach to skin rejuvenation, quickly healing and restoring the skins health. High frequency machines utilize thermal current to treat skin conditions and oxygenate the skin, killing bacteria with contact. High frequency facials are effective on almost any skin lesion from acne and burns to waxing procedures and cold sores. The treatment is powerful, versatile, and effective, fixing different skin concerns. High frequency facials are considered a safe and gentle approach to skin rejuvenation, quickly improving the overall skin tone, glow, and texture, treating acne problems, stimulating lymphatic flow, evenly dispersing excess fluids, and stimulating collagen and elastin production.

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