what is homeopathy

what is homeopathy

1 year ago 36

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that was developed in the late 1700s in Germany by Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the principle of "like cures like," which means that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people can cure similar symptoms in sick people. Homeopathic remedies are made using homeopathic dilution, which involves weakening the ingredients by adding water or alcohol and shaking the mixture. Homeopaths believe that this process transfers the healing essence of the substance and that the lower the dose, the more powerful the medicine.

During a homeopathic appointment, the practitioner will ask questions about the patients mental, emotional, and physical health to prescribe the remedy that best matches all of their symptoms. Homeopathic remedies come in a variety of forms, such as sugar pellets, liquid drops, creams, gels, and tablets.

However, homeopathy is a controversial topic, and many scientists and medical professionals consider it a pseudoscience or quackery. There is an overall absence of sound statistical evidence of therapeutic efficacy, which is consistent with the lack of any biologically plausible pharmacological agent. In fact, a 2010 House of Commons Science and Technology Committee report on homeopathy said that homeopathic remedies perform no better than placebos. As a result, national and international bodies have recommended the withdrawal of government funding for homeopathy in healthcare.

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