what is homework in spanish

what is homework in spanish

1 year ago 36

In Spanish, "homework" can be translated as "deberes" or "tarea". Here are some example sentences using these words:

  • Hice mis deberes de matemáticas. (I did my math homework.)
  • Tengo mucha tarea para hoy. (I have a lot of homework for today.)
  • ¿Ya hiciste tus deberes? (Did you already do your homework?)
  • La maestra nos dio muchos deberes para el fin de semana. (The teacher gave us a lot of homework for the weekend.)
  • Ayúdame con mi tarea, por favor. (Help me with my homework, please.)
  • Me ofrecí a ayudarle con sus tareas. (I offered to help her with her homework.)
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