what is honor roll in high school

what is honor roll in high school

1 year ago 45

The honor roll is a recognition program for academic achievement in middle and high schools. The requirements for being on the honor roll vary from school to school, but generally, it means that a student has achieved a certain grade point average (GPA) or has earned all As and Bs in their classes. Some schools have different levels of honor roll, such as high honors and honors, which may have different GPA requirements. The honor roll is usually published at the end of each marking period, and students who make the honor roll may receive certificates or other forms of recognition.

For example, one schools honor roll requirements are that a student must earn an "A" in every class to be on the Principals Honor Roll, while the regular Honor Roll requires all As and Bs with no more than one C. Another schools honor roll requirements include earning a grade of 93 or higher in all core subjects and E or S in other subjects for the academic A Honor Roll, and earning a grade of 86 or higher in all core subjects with at least one grade of 93 or higher in a core subject, and E or S in other subjects for the academic A/B Honor Roll.

To calculate GPA, letter grades are assigned values (A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, E = 0), and the values of all letter grades are added up and divided by the number of classes with grades. The resulting number is rounded to the nearest tenth.

Being on the honor roll is more than just about making good grades. It means that a student is an exemplary student that their school is proud of. Participating in extracurricular activities, joining a club, and treating others with respect may also be necessary to meet the honor roll requirements.

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