Horse meat is the meat derived from a horse, and it is often called cheval, Caballo, or equine depending on the butcher. Horse meat is a particularly lean meat due to the animal’s muscular bodies, and it has more protein, fewer calories, and less cholesterol than cow meat. Horse meat is considered a delicacy in some countries, such as France, and is widely available through supermarkets and butcheries, with some specialized butcheries offering only selected cuts of equine meat. Horse meat is used in a variety of recipes, such as stews, steaks, carpaccio, or made into bresaola. In some countries, horse meat is primarily used in salami and sausages, usually mixed with pork, but also in goulashes and other stews. Horse meat is available in butcher shops and shops specializing in meats, but it can sometimes be found in supermarkets, especially in ground form. Horse meat is typically sold in the form of ground meat, though it can also be sold as sausages or other processed meats. The most common way to eat horse meat is in sausage form, especially meetwursti (Mettwurst), a cured and smoked sausage which often contains pork, beef, and horse meat. Horse meat is lean and tastes very similar to beef and venison, and it has a sweet gaminess that makes it delicious when cooked or eaten raw.