what is hsrp number plate

what is hsrp number plate

1 year ago 88

A High Security Registration Plate (HSRP) is an aluminum-made number plate that is fixed onto a vehicle by a minimum of two non-reusable snap-on locks and has various identifiable features. It is mandatory for vehicles sold before April 1, 2019, in India to have an HSRP, along with a colour-coded fuel sticker on the third registration plate. The plate has a blue-coloured chromium-based hologram of the size 20mm x 20mm of Ashoka Chakra on the top left corner and a unique laser-branded 10-digit permanent identification number (PIN) on the bottom left corner. The numerals and alphabets of the plate are also hot-stamped and laser-branded to prevent counterfeiting. If a vehicle is caught without an HSRP, its owner has to pay a penalty of ₹5,000 to ₹10,000, depending on the state.

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