An HTS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule) code is a standardized numerical system used to classify traded products and goods being imported into the United States. The HTS is based on the international Harmonized System, which is the global system of nomenclature applied to most world trade in goods. The HTS sets out the tariff rates and statistical categories for all merchandise imported into the United States. The HTS code is a 10-digit code that categorizes each imported good, with the first six digits being an HS (Harmonized System) code. The subsequent digits identify the US tariff classification and rate of duty. The HTS code is used to classify physical goods for shipment to a foreign country, report shipments in the Automated Export System (AES), and complete required shipping documentation such as shipper’s letter of instructions, commercial invoice, or certificate of origin. The HTS code is administered by the U.S. International Trade Commission and is used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection to administer the HTS at U.S. ports of entry and provide advice and rulings on matters relating to the classification of imports. Import classification and compliance solutions can help importers properly determine the HTS code for their products.