what is hvo

what is hvo

1 year ago 120

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) is a biofuel made by the hydrocracking or hydrogenation of vegetable oil. The process of hydrocracking breaks big molecules into smaller ones using hydrogen, while hydrogenation adds hydrogen to the molecules. The second step of the process involves converting the triglycerides/fatty acids to hydrocarbons by hydrodeoxygenation (removing oxygen as water) and/or decarboxylation (removing oxygen as carbon dioxide) . HVO fuel is a paraffinic diesel fuel that can be used as a direct replacement for mineral diesel fuel. It is made from certified waste materials and supports the circular economy while reducing net CO2 greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90% . HVO is a more sustainable alternative to traditional diesel fuel that offers numerous environmental benefits without requiring engine modification or additional investment. It is compatible with existing diesel engines and infrastructure, making it an easy and cost-effective alternative to conventional diesel fuel. HVO fuel is used in a variety of applications, including road transportation, marine fleets, rail, power generation, and heating.

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