Idolatry in the Bible refers to the worship of someone or something other than God as though it were God. An idol is anything that replaces the one, true God. The most prevalent form of idolatry in Bible times was the worship of images that were thought to embody the various pagan deities. Idolatry is a major theme of the Bible, and it challenges Gods sovereignty and attempts to offer an alternate explanation to the issues of life. The Bible understands that idolatry extends beyond the worship of images and false gods. It is a matter of the heart, associated with pride, self-centeredness, greed, gluttony, and love for possessions. Essentially, an idol can be anything that takes the place of God as the most important focus and priority in our life. The Old Testament prophets prophesied dire consequences for Israel if they continued in their idolatry. In reality, idols are impotent blocks of stone or wood, and their power exists only in the minds of the worshipers. The testimony of Scripture is that God alone is worthy of worship, and idol worship robs God of the glory that is rightfully His.