what is ikat fabric

what is ikat fabric

1 year ago 33

Ikat is a method for coloring fabric in patterns by resist dyeing, which is a technique that makes certain parts of the fabric "resist" dyeing. The pattern is not applied to the surface of a finished fabric, nor is it woven into the fabric structurally. Instead, parts of the yarns for the warp and/or weft are protected with a resist before dyeing. The dye then colors the yarn everywhere except under the binding. After dyeing, the bindings are removed and the pattern appears undyed on a colored ground.

Ikat fabrics are made around the world, and while the basic technology of binding thread is a constant, particular techniques vary from region to region. How they stretch out the yarn for binding, transfer a design to the thread, and materials they use for wrapping vary widely. Common traditional ikat materials include silk and wool, but you can also dye rayon, polyester, and a variety of other synthetic fibers.

Ikat is a resist dyeing technique common to many world cultures, and it is probably one of the oldest forms of textile decoration. It is most prevalent in Indonesia, India, and Japan, but it is still common in South America, Central and North America, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Mexico, respectively. The term "ikat" has Indonesian origin, and it was introduced into European textile vocabulary back in the early 20th century when Dutch scholars began to study the rich textile traditions of the East Indies archipelago (today Indonesia).

In summary, ikat fabric is a type of fabric pattern achieved through resist dyeing, and it is made using various techniques and materials around the world.

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