An impasse is a situation in which progress is impossible, especially because the people involved cannot agree. It is a predicament affording no obvious escape, a deadlock, or a stalemate. An impasse can occur in various situations, such as in employment negotiations, international relations, or any other situation where no progress can be made. Impasses can be mutually harmful, either due to direct action that may be taken, such as a strike, or simply due to the resulting delay in negotiating a mutually beneficial agreement. Impasses can arise if parties suffer from self-serving bias, where they interpret facts to their own benefit and are unable to accept the opposing partys claim as reasonable. Impasses provide opportunities for problem-solving to provide an insight that leads to progress. If parties are unable to resolve an impasse, it may be beneficial for them to accept binding arbitration or mediation to settle their dispute, or the state may impose such a solution.