what is impression in linkedin

what is impression in linkedin

1 year ago 53

LinkedIn impressions refer to the number of times your post, video, update, or article appears on someones LinkedIn feed. An impression is counted when your content is displayed or seen by a user on their LinkedIn page, whether they engaged with it or not. Impressions are not the most accurate way to measure the success of your content, but they are a good starting point.

LinkedIn counts impressions as the number of times your content “is at least 50% in view, for at least 300 milliseconds on a signed-in member’s device screen or browser window” . When a piece of content shows up multiple times for the same person, it will only count as one unique impression.

The number of impressions your content receives on LinkedIn is an essential metric that helps you measure your contents reach and visibility. Impressions represent how many people have seen your post, which means that the more impressions you have, the more eyeballs your content is getting. Paid impressions are the number of times your content is displayed as a result of paid advertising.

Overall, LinkedIn impressions are a crucial element in determining your contents reach and success on the platform. By focusing on creating content that generates more impressions, you can increase your brand awareness and grow your audience.

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