what is in a boo basket

what is in a boo basket

1 year ago 36

A Boo Basket is a Halloween tradition where you secretly leave a basket full of goodies on your neighbors porch, and then they pay it forward. It is a fun way of gifting friends, neighbors, and children with Halloween and fall-themed goodies. The basket can be filled with anything from blankets and candles to candy, cozy socks, plushies, and way more. Here are the steps to make a Boo Basket:

  1. Find a festive basket, bucket, or bag to fill with treats.
  2. Print out a "Youve Been Bood" sign to tape to the front of the basket. This sign is also the instruction sheet, informing your giftee of how the "game" is played, and encouraging them to keep it going! Youll also print out a "Weve Been Bood" sign for your giftee to make visible at their front door or front window. This notifies neighbors and friends that theyve already received a "Boo" gift, which is useful to know if the whole neighborhood is participating.
  3. Fill the basket with Halloween and fall-themed goodies such as soft throws or chunky knit blankets, scented candles, a stylish pick-me-up for the home, such as a candlestick for the mantelpiece or a floral tea towel for the kitchen, and treats to hunker down with as the temperature drops, such as a hot water bottle, a colorful throw, and for a lovely autumnal scent, choose pumpkin spice, vanilla, cinnamon, or berry scented candles.
  4. Add something savory such as smoked cheese and crackers. They pair well with your mummies and can be enjoyed right away or saved for an impromptu snack.
  5. Dont forget the whimsy! It is Halloween after all. Add a pretend spellbook, a plaid mug, and a spider web dish towel to the basket.

Part of the fun in the Boo Basket tradition is the mystery of the giver, but with most homes having front door surveillance these days, it might be hard to keep your identity a secret. However, it is still worth a try!

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