what is inbound and outbound

what is inbound and outbound

1 year ago 80

Inbound and outbound are terms used in various contexts, including marketing, call centers, and logistics. Here are the differences between inbound and outbound in each context:


  • Inbound marketing: This type of marketing targets relevant audiences with online content to "pull" them into the sales funnel. It puts the consumer at the center and includes tactics such as blogs, opt-in email nurture flows, and native recommendations.
  • Outbound marketing: This type of marketing uses traditional tactics to "push" messages out to a broad audience. It puts the brand or product at the center and includes tactics such as TV ads, billboards, cold calling, and display ads.

Call centers:

  • Inbound call center: This type of call center receives incoming calls from customers. Support teams typically monitor inbound centers since the calls tend to come from existing customers experiencing issues with a product or service, or individuals wanting to place an order.
  • Outbound call center: This type of call center makes outgoing phone calls to existing and potential customers. Outbound calls are made by sales teams for various interactions, including telesales activities, telemarketing sales services, market research, nonprofit or charity fundraising, appointment setting, survey outreach, customer notifications, post-sale follow-ups, and collections.


  • Inbound logistics: This process brings supplies or materials into a business. For manufacturers, logistics starts with the incoming supply of raw materials and carries through to the delivery of finished products to customers.
  • Outbound logistics: This process deals with moving goods and products out to customers. It includes managing inventory, shipping, and delivery of finished products to customers.

In summary, inbound refers to activities that involve receiving or pulling in, while outbound refers to activities that involve sending or pushing out.

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