what is interior designing

what is interior designing

1 year ago 37

Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. It is a multifaceted profession that includes conceptual development, space planning, site inspections, programming, research, communicating with the stakeholders of a project, construction management, and execution of the design. Interior designers work with contractors, architects, engineers, craftsmen, furniture dealers, and business and home owners. They are responsible for creating an interior environment that addresses, protects, and responds to human needs.

Here are some key points about interior design:

  • Interior designers craft spaces that anticipate our needs and appeal to our emotions while pulling from a broad set of skills and technical knowledge.
  • Interior design has changed dramatically since the early 20th century when it was just beginning to emerge as a profession.
  • Interior designers are expected to have working knowledge of architecture, graphic design, decorative arts, and textile, furniture, and lighting design.
  • Completing a degree, either an associate or bachelors, is becoming increasingly more important to the interior design profession.
  • Interior designers are responsible for working alongside customers and meeting their everyday needs, following health and safety rules, meeting accessibility standards, understanding how their work fits into a broader community, and planning and completing doable design projects under.
  • Interior designers may specialize in commercial or residential projects, or both.
  • Interior design is not the same as interior decorating. Interior design is a social practice that studies peoples behavior in relation to the built environment, while interior decorating is the furnishing or adorning of a space with decorative elements.

In summary, interior design is a profession that involves creating functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing indoor spaces that meet the needs of the people using them. It requires a broad set of skills and technical knowledge, and interior designers work with a variety of professionals to bring their designs to life.

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