iOS 17 is the newest version of iOS, the operating system designed to run on the iPhone. It was released on September 18, 2023, and is available for iPhone XR and later models. Some of the new features of iOS 17 include:
Contact Posters: You can create customized contact posters that people see when you call them. You can choose a photo or a Memoji, select a font, a font color, and more.
Live Voicemail: When someone leaves a voicemail, the Live Voicemail feature shows a real-time transcription of the message on the Lock Screen as the person is speaking.
NameDrop: A new facet of AirDrop, lets you bring your iPhone near another iPhone to exchange contact information. This works with Apple Watch as well.
StandBy: Turn your iPhone on its side while charging to glance at important information from a distance.
Interactive widgets: Widgets on the Home Screen are now interactive, allowing you to perform actions without opening the app.
Full-screen experience: iOS 17 brings a new full-screen experience for your iPhone.
For a full list of compatible devices and more information on iOS 17, you can visit the Apple website or Apple Support.