what is iss for school

what is iss for school

1 year ago 113

In-School Suspension (ISS) is a disciplinary program used in some schools to manage student behavior while allowing them to remain in a learning environment. ISS programs provide additional supports and opportunities for students to learn, and they are more prevalent within low-income elementary, middle, and high schools. ISS requirements and implementation may vary by state and school district.

ISS programs aim to improve academic outcomes by systematically supporting students. Research has found that students in schools implementing ISS tend to have better attendance, grades, test scores, and graduation rates than their peers. However, the conditions under which ISS is effective are not well understood.

It is important to note that ISS can have different meanings depending on the context. For example, ISS can also refer to International School Services (ISS), a global nonprofit focused on improving the quality of international education.

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