IVI stands for intravaginal insemination, which is a type of artificial insemination. It is a simple, noninvasive, and inexpensive method of infertility treatment for couples with sexual dysfunction. During IVI, sperm is placed into the womans vagina, making it the simplest form of insemination. IVI is often recommended in less complex cases where there may not necessarily be any fertility issue, such as for single women requiring donated sperm or female same-sex couples.
IVI is different from intrauterine insemination (IUI), which involves placing sperm inside a womans uterus to facilitate fertilization. IUI is a less invasive and less expensive option in comparison to in vitro fertilization (IVF) . During IUI, the highest quality sperm is selected and injected into the uterus where they are left to fertilize the eggs naturally. In contrast, IVF removes the eggs from the body and has them fertilized in a lab.
IVI is a simple and painless process that does not require the sedation of the patient. The sperm sample is prepared in the laboratory of the IVI clinic, and if the male partners sperm is being used, the partner must deposit the sample to the clinic two hours before the procedure is scheduled to take place. The cost of IVI treatment at IVI Spain is €840.