what is journaling

what is journaling

1 year ago 33

Journaling is the act of keeping a record of personal thoughts, feelings, insights, and more. It can be written, drawn, or typed, and can be on paper or on a computer. Journaling can help individuals understand and work through their emotions. There are different types of journaling, including:

  • Diary: A written or audiovisual record with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period. Diaries have traditionally been handwritten but are now also often digital. Today, the term is generally employed for personal diaries, normally intended to remain private or to have a limited circulation amongst friends or relatives.

  • Gratitude journal: A diary of things one is thankful for.

  • Food journal: A way to write down everything one is eating.

  • Event journal: A way to keep track of major or minor events.

Journaling can have many benefits, including reducing anxiety and stress, coping with depression, and helping individuals prioritize problems, fears, and concerns. It can also provide an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors. Journaling can help individuals create order when their world feels chaotic.

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