what is jugging crime

what is jugging crime

1 year ago 81

Jugging is a type of theft that includes robbery. It occurs when a suspect follows a victim from a bank, ATM, or drive-thru bank service to their next location. The crime happens frequently when cash bags are visible as the victim leaves the bank or ATM. The thieves aim to find a victim that looks distracted and then take what they have, even if that means running up to them and stripping their purse or bags or expensive belongings. Jugging can involve crimes identified by the FBI as larceny, robbery, assault, and breaking and entering. The crime is common among thieves who are out to rob people while they are out shopping, going to the ATM to withdraw money, or filling up their gas tank at the gas station. Once the thieves have accomplished the theft, they will make their getaway with the help of a driver. To avoid becoming a victim of jugging, it is recommended to be aware of vehicles that loiter in or near a bank parking lot and any vehicles that appear to be conducting stationary or mobile surveillance. It is also important to be mindful of any vehicles that appear to blend in very well to everyday vehicles.

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