Junk food is a term used to describe food that is high in calories from sugar and/or fat, and possibly sodium, making it hyperpalatable, but with little dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, or other important forms of nutritional value. Junk food is also known as HFSS food (high in fat, salt, and sugar) . It is a pejorative term that dates back to the 1950s. Junk food can be easily found in most supermarkets and fast food restaurants, and because of such easy access to it, people are most likely to consume it.
Junk food lacks nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and is high in kilojoules (energy), salts, sugars, or fats. Some examples of junk food include cakes, biscuits, fast foods (such as hot chips, burgers, and pizzas), chocolate, sweets, processed meat (such as bacon), and snacks (such as chips) . Products known as "health foods" such as some fruit juices and muesli bars can actually be junk food if they contain high levels of sugar, salt, or fat.
Junk food is not considered healthy because it doesnt play a role in healthy eating, especially if you eat too much of it. Junk food is low in satiation value, which means people dont tend to feel as full when they eat it, leading to overeating. Junk food also tends to replace other, more nutritious foods, and when people consume it, they are usually not getting plenty of low-fat dairy or other healthful beverages like green tea or orange juice.
In conclusion, junk food is a term used to describe food that is high in calories from sugar and/or fat, and possibly sodium, making it hyperpalatable, but with little dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, or other important forms of nutritional value. Junk food is not considered healthy because it lacks nutrients and can lead to overeating and replace other, more nutritious foods.