what is karma in islam

what is karma in islam

1 year ago 36

The concept of karma is not a part of Islamic belief. Karma is a belief from ancient Indian religions in which an unseen system keeps a running total of ones deeds throughout multiple lifetimes, to determine one’s status in fortune, caste, and wisdom through each stage of reincarnation. Since reincarnation is not a true concept in Islam, with humans having only one life to live, and the one who records all deeds and informs us of them and creates their outcomes is Allah, there is no need to posit a theory of karma or cite it in one’s speech. In Islam, it is believed that Allah rewards good deeds and punishes bad deeds, but not necessarily in this earthly life. The total harvesting of the outcomes of one’s deeds does not always happen in this life, but there is divine judgment after death with perfect justice. Allah Most High says: "And whoever does a speck of good .

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