what is kd in games

what is kd in games

1 year ago 41

KD stands for "kill to death ratio" and is a term used in video games to describe how often a player dies versus how often they kill other players. It is a formula based on a players kills-to-death ratio in a competitive environment. The KD ratio can be used to measure a players overall proficiency in a game, and it is calculated by dividing the number of kills a player has by the number of deaths they have suffered. A KD ratio greater than 1 means that a player is killing more opponents than they are dying, which is generally considered a good performance. The KD ratio can be used to compare a players performance in a single game or over a bundle of games or their whole career. The KDA (kill/deaths/assists) ratio is another statistic that takes assists into account, while KD does not.

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