Kitchen Table Polyamory (KTP) is a style of polyamorous relationship in which the interrelationship of a network, and the integration of multiple romantic relationships into one life or group, is prioritized. In a KTP-style polyamorous relationship, everyone in the group (lovers, metamours, etc.) could sit down at a kitchen table and share a meal together. The relationships in a KTP dynamic are rooted firmly in mutual respect, good communication, and friendship. KTP is different from other multi-partner relationship styles (open relationships, closed polycules, etc.) in that it has an emphasis on open communication and friendship. KTP is highly personal and customizable, and it requires continuous good communication, empathy, full disclosure, and transparency throughout. KTP is not the easiest thing in the world, but it has a lot of benefits, including transparency, full disclosure, and community collaborative effort towards making everyone happy. KTP is not for everyone, and it requires a lot of work and effort from all parties involved. Parallel Polyamory is a companion term to KTP, which refers to poly relationships where the relationships run in parallel and don’t interact.