what is kuttu

what is kuttu

1 year ago 38

Kuttu ka atta, also known as buckwheat flour, is a popular food ingredient in India, especially during the Navratras. It is made from the inner part of the fruit of the buckwheat plant, which makes it a powerhouse of energy and nutrition. Here are some key facts about kuttu:

  • Appearance: Kuttu flour is finely powdered flour with a brown color and dark flecks.

  • Uses: Kuttu ka atta is used to make a variety of dishes, including puris, parathas, and pancakes.

  • Health benefits: Kuttu ka atta is loaded with proteins, fiber, and essential amino acids, making it a great source of nutrition for vegetarians and those with gluten allergies. It is also low in calories and has a low glycemic index, which can aid in weight loss. Additionally, it is known to maintain the lipid balance in the body and control type-2 diabetes.

  • Adulteration: Adulterated and old kuttu flour can cause food poisoning and send people to the hospital. It is important to check the manufacturing date, expiry date, and packaging before purchasing kuttu flour.

Kuttu ka atta is not just limited to Navratras and can be consumed all year round for its health benefits.

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