what is larceny

what is larceny

1 year ago 47

Larceny and theft are often used interchangeably to describe property crimes where a person illegally takes and carries away the property of another without permission. However, the appropriate term to use depends on state law. Broadly speaking, "theft" is an umbrella term that includes all different kinds of criminal stealing, including identity theft, theft of intellectual property, theft of services, and theft of personal property. Meanwhile, "larceny" is considered one type of stealing under the general category of theft. The term is more narrowly defined as the theft of personal property capable of being possessed and carried away.

Larceny is a criminal offense that involves the taking of another persons property without their consent and with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of that property. In Missouri, larceny, theft, or stealing are different names for the same crime. The statute which defines the offense calls both larceny and theft "stealing." This is an umbrella term that covers many different types of conduct that may be considered a crime.

The actual circumstances that could be considered larceny or theft are too numerous to list, but some examples include:

  • Altering a price tag, receipt, or price code label
  • Stealing a car, boat, or other motor vehicle
  • Stealing a controlled substance (drugs)
  • Stealing anothers livestock or animal

It is important to note that the specific definition of larceny or theft can vary by state, so it is important to consult the criminal statutes in your state to understand the exact definition and potential consequences of these crimes.

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