what is lecture method

what is lecture method

1 year ago 40

The lecture method is a teaching approach where the teacher presents information to the students, who are passive listeners. The teacher is considered to have all the knowledge and transmits it to the students. This method is most commonly used in higher education and is useful for presenting information to a large audience. The lecture method is teacher-controlled and information-centered, and the teacher plans and controls the entire teaching-learning process. The lecture method is used to acquire knowledge and concepts, and it mainly focuses on cognitive objectives.

Advantages of the lecture method include:

  • Allows a large amount of information to be conveyed in a short period of time
  • Good for introducing a new subject or focusing on a content area
  • Can present the subject in its context

Disadvantages of the lecture method include:

  • In its purest form, it is a passive method of learning
  • Usually doesnt allow the opportunity for students to ask questions
  • Attempts to transfer the same content at the same pace

To make the lecture more engaging and effective, teachers can use different strategies such as audio-visual aids. Communication skills are essential for teachers to capture the attention of students and make sure they dont get distracted. The lecture method is preferred when the background information is not available or accessible to the students, the facts or problems are conflicting or confusing in nature, the experience of the speaker will contribute to clarification of the issues, time is of the essence, a change of pace is needed, or the best way to understand a topic is through oral presentation.

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