what is led weaning

what is led weaning

1 year ago 40

Baby-led weaning is an approach to introducing solid foods to a babys diet of breast milk or formula. Instead of spoon-feeding pureed food into the babys mouth, the baby takes part in family mealtimes and is presented with a variety of foods in easy-to-grasp pieces, which he or she can freely choose and explore. The term "weaning" does not imply giving up breast milk or formula, but simply indicates the introduction of foods other than breast milk or formula.

The basic principles of baby-led weaning are:

  • From the beginning, the baby is allowed to choose what to eat from a selection of nutritious foods. Rejected foods may be offered again at a later date.
  • The baby is encouraged to self-feed, which helps hone important developmental skills.
  • Baby-led weaning emphasizes independence of the baby. A parent is to wait for their baby to show signs of readiness for eating and to follow the babys cues in all matters of introducing solid food.

Some benefits of baby-led weaning include:

  • It allows babies to control their solid food consumption by "self-feeding" from the start of their experience with food.
  • It exposes babies to a greater variety of foods and tastes, which can help prevent picky eating.
  • It can help babies develop important motor and oral skills, such as tongue movements, jaw strength, and swallowing.

A baby is ready for baby-led weaning when they display certain signs of developmental readiness, such as the ability to sit upright with minimal to no support, reaching for an object and bringing it to their mouth, and a diminishing tongue-thrust reflex. Baby-led weaning is generally safe when done properly. However, it may not be suitable for babies with special needs who are unable to pick up and chew foods on their own. Parents who are considering baby-led weaning should consult with their pediatrician to determine if it is appropriate for their child.

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