Life processes refer to the basic functions and processes that are essential for an organism to stay healthy and maintain the proper functioning of the bodys organ systems. These processes are necessary for survival and are performed by all living organisms. The study of life processes is essential in understanding the basic functions of the body. The different types of life processes include:
Nutrition: The process where an entity takes food and utilizes it for energy. It is a pivotal biological process that helps living beings to obtain their energy from various sources.
Respiration: The process of obtaining energy from food.
Transportation: The process by which food, oxygen, water, waste products are carried from one part of the body to the other.
Excretion: The process by which waste products are removed from the body.
Metabolism: The chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.
Reproduction: The biological process by which new individual organisms are produced.
Life processes Class 10 is a detailed version of different processes carried out by plants and animals. The life processes carried out in plants are slightly different from those observed in animals. The basic life processes common to all living organisms are nutrition, respiration, transportation, and excretion.